



in Kenya

A mans hand holding a smartphone that displays the Tando mobile app user interface. The UI present four different payment options: Send Money, Buy Goods, Pay Bills, Scan QR Code.

Our free app lets anyone experience life entirely on the bitcoin standard. Spend bitcoin anywhere M-Pesa is accepted in Kenya with zero transaction fees!

Every M-Pesa vendor is now magically a Bitcoin vendor
Complete privacy. Your business stays your business.
Save money with every purchase! Absolutely zero transaction fees!
Ideal for tourists. No need for a local SIM or getting cash from ATMs
Completely ditch fiat. Earn, save & spend with Bitcoin-only.
Great for remittances. Spend money in Kenya, from anywhere in the world!
Discover the familiar features

Just Like M-Pesa,
But with Bitcoin

Send Money
Send money directly to any Kenyan phone number. You send bitcoin, they receive Kenyan Shillings.
Buy Goods
Shop anywhere in Kenya and spend Bitcoin instantly. Hotels, restaurants, grocery stores; BTC in, KES out.
Pay Bills
Completely switch to Bitcoin as your medium of exchange. Electricity, rent, internet, even phone bills, all paid with Bitcoin.
Be the change you want to see in the world

Hyperbitcoinization starts with you, today!

Bring Your Own Bitcoin Wallet. We never hold your funds. Ever.
Lightning Fast
All payments are settled via Lightning. Instant, Cheap, Reliable Bitcoin.
Save on Fees
Using Tando you don’t get charged any M-Pesa fees. Tando saves you money!
We care about you, that’s why we don’t care who you are. No signup required.

About Us

During a visit to African Bitcoin Conference in Ghana in 2023, we learned that the Asante people had a deity of Thunder and Lightning. That deity was known as Tando. At the conference we were also inspired by a great talk by Femi Longe where he said: 

Africans need to build bitcoin solutions for Africans.

With that newfound knowledge and inspiration from the trip to Ghana, we came back to Kenya with a fire in our belly to build something revolutionary. Through our boots-on-the-ground research we learned that most people in Kenya were more interested in using bitcoin as a Medium of Exchange (MoE) first, and Store of Value (SoV) second, which is the reverse of how most people in The West typically use bitcoin. 

By standing on the shoulders of giants, we figured we could help 54 million Kenyans change their MoE from KES to BTC with one easy-to-use app. An app that looked and worked nearly identical to the M-Pesa app that is ubiquitous throughout the country, but with just one small change – Bitcoin as the medium of exchange.

  • M-Pesa forever changed the way people transacted in Kenya in 2007.
  • Satoshi Nakamoto forever changed money for the world in 2009.
  • Tando combines both of these two great inventions in 2024.

Common questions

Let’s cover the basics before getting started.
What are the fees?

Zero! In fact you will save money when using Tando compared to M-Pesa. Tando covers all transaction fees as a way to incentivize more people to transition to a bitcoin standard. Everyone wins when we ditch the fiat economy and we all Earn, Save & Spend BTC.

What do I need to sign up?

Nothing. There is no sign up process. You just download Tando and start using it right away. What you do with your money is none of our business. Who you transact with and what you buy is a private matter between you, the buyer and the seller.

What bitcoin wallets does Tando support?

Any wallet that has Lightning capabilities should work just fine. Lightning allows you to send the bitcoin cryptocurrency instantly and for close to zero costs. A few apps that we recommend are: Phoenix, Blink, Machankura, Breeze, Strike, BitKit, Zeus & Wallet of Satoshi. These are just a few of the more established Bitcoin wallets with lightning capabilities. As always, please do your own research when it comes to making financial decisions.

Where do I get more Bitcoin?

The best way is to ask your employer to pay you in bitcoin for your salary! Other ways are through exchanges such as Bitnob and Strike where you can swap government fiat money for better money: Bitcoin.

Does the merchant/receiver need to use Tando?

No. The receiver doesn’t have to change anything in their business process. Tando integrates with the existing payment system that they are already using today. To the receiver it will be business as usual, just like they have always operated. However, if you or a business owner you know wants to start receiving bitcoin for your business, get in touch and we can help you earn bitcoin.

I have another question.

We would love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out via email or on any of our social media accounts.